NEW Collection

Vita hair design creation / 2021

“The shadows of Coral “ -珊瑚的陰影-


每當你發現自己和大多數人站在一邊,你就該停下來反思- 馬克吐溫。

Whenever you find yourself standing on the side with most people, you should stop and reflect.- Mark Twain.

如果你能感同身受 – 那就是我們最大的收穫


主題概念 Theme Concept


If thoughts are the blue ocean, the follow blindly will be the unconscious seaweed waving upon there…


Without objective empathy and judgement, they began to ignore the behaviors and remarks of others, and the Tower of Babel, the symbol of itself, will eventually collapse into the whirlpool of excessive self-inflation.


Just like the delicate coral which lost its life and thought, whereas the good ultimately turns into coral bleaching.


{紅珊瑚 Red Coral
She is one-eyed red coral on behalf of greedy blinded eyes that only see her own interest without conscience.
2021 Vita hair design年度設計
{白珊瑚 White Coral
He is a coral bleaching, representing those people who have lost their meaning and empathy of life.

2021 Vita hair design年度設計

{紫海葵 Purple Sea Anemone
She is a delicate sea anemone, representing the excessive self-concealment and emphasis on the appearance of beauty to the modern people.

2021 Vita hair design年度設計

創作過程 Creative Process


Nowadays, people seem to be indulging the resources the earth gave for thousands of years; yet, they do not realize that all life is in a generation full of silent pollution and disease.


Because of that, we are starting from the concept of environmental awareness and waste recycling, using a various of materials such as cotton yarn and raffia, make the similar marine life. The destruction of all has a process as the sea anemone and read coral turning into coral bleaching, representing the pollution created through the era of human beings, and the humanity toward cheating, greedy, and dreadful pollution.



NEW Collection

Vita hair design creation / 2021

“The shadows of Coral “ -珊瑚的陰影-


台中髮廊,vita hair design


2000年開始早期,以「Vita hair salon 」為名,在鬧中取靜的五常街裡悄悄紮根,曾經歷台灣最繁華與最蕭條的時代。Vita秉持初衷,透過每年不間斷的海外學習,將新的髮型趨勢及時尚訊息帶給每一位來到這裡的朋友,正因自己從未停止或改變對於顧客服務品質的完整度與專業技術持之以恆的精進,如此穩扎穩打的個性,縱使低調經營,也讓許多人一試成主顧,可說是饕客們才知道的「台中隱藏版髮廊」。

台中髮廊,vita hair design


隨著Vita hair salon在地方逐漸的成熟,Vita也決定開始引領一群對於髮型設計有高度熱愛及學習熱情的人,導入階段性與目標性的嚴格學習機制,此時的Vita hair salon不再僅是一間提供專業洗剪染燙的髮廊,而是能夠給予每位朋友最適合自己及專屬於個人特色的髮型設計藝廊,更從原本的一位設計師對多位助理的服務機制,漸漸蛻變成一設計一助理的型態,「Vita hair salon 」也就此正名為「Vita hair design 」。

台中髮廊,vita hair design


Vita hair design 店內設計師於每年十月遠赴歐洲的國際品牌學院進修、參與海外研習、走秀展覽,並將隔年最新流行資訊提早帶回台灣,反覆調整、討論,如何將新的髮型及技術融合轉換成適合台灣人的頭型髮性,不僅讓顧客走在時尚的最前端,更將其體現於一年三季的Foundation髮型設計及Collection品牌形象中。

台中髮廊,vita hair design


跳脫大眾對於流行髮型的定義,Vita hair design更注重造型應適合個人魅力與生活型態等綜合評估,並搭配每年最新的流行資訊,提供最專業的剪染建議。於溝通過後,每位設計師會依據顧客不同的頭型條件,透過專業剪裁技術建立基礎架構,這是髮型設計裡必要且最重要的環節。

台中髮廊,vita hair design


在擁有好的基底,搭配嚴選優質的專業產品,才將造型設計發揮到最極致,Vita hair design採用環保有機的洗護產品及具備恆溫科技保護髮絲的造型產品,更備有其他崇尚美麗與時尚的生活用品,如指甲油、護手霜、有機皂等

台中髮廊,vita hair design


Mon – Sat 10:00 – 20:30
台中市 北區 五常街259-5號
No.259-5, Wuchang St., North Dist., Taichung City 404, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
04 2207 3337

台中髮廊,vita hair design台中髮廊,vita hair design台中髮廊,vita hair design台中髮廊,vita hair design台中髮廊,vita hair design