NEW Collection

Vita hair design creation / 2021

“The shadows of Coral “ -珊瑚的陰影-


每當你發現自己和大多數人站在一邊,你就該停下來反思- 馬克吐溫。

Whenever you find yourself standing on the side with most people, you should stop and reflect.- Mark Twain.

如果你能感同身受 – 那就是我們最大的收穫


主題概念 Theme Concept


If thoughts are the blue ocean, the follow blindly will be the unconscious seaweed waving upon there…


Without objective empathy and judgement, they began to ignore the behaviors and remarks of others, and the Tower of Babel, the symbol of itself, will eventually collapse into the whirlpool of excessive self-inflation.


Just like the delicate coral which lost its life and thought, whereas the good ultimately turns into coral bleaching.


{紅珊瑚 Red Coral
She is one-eyed red coral on behalf of greedy blinded eyes that only see her own interest without conscience.
2021 Vita hair design年度設計
{白珊瑚 White Coral
He is a coral bleaching, representing those people who have lost their meaning and empathy of life.

2021 Vita hair design年度設計

{紫海葵 Purple Sea Anemone
She is a delicate sea anemone, representing the excessive self-concealment and emphasis on the appearance of beauty to the modern people.

2021 Vita hair design年度設計

創作過程 Creative Process


Nowadays, people seem to be indulging the resources the earth gave for thousands of years; yet, they do not realize that all life is in a generation full of silent pollution and disease.


Because of that, we are starting from the concept of environmental awareness and waste recycling, using a various of materials such as cotton yarn and raffia, make the similar marine life. The destruction of all has a process as the sea anemone and read coral turning into coral bleaching, representing the pollution created through the era of human beings, and the humanity toward cheating, greedy, and dreadful pollution.



NEW Collection

Vita hair design creation / 2021

“The shadows of Coral “ -珊瑚的陰影-

 –馬塞爾 普魯斯特-

La vie n’est qu’une série de moments isolés, reposant sur des souvenirs et des fantasmes, de nombreux souvenirs émergent, puis disparaissent, puis refont surface après avoir disparu. -Marcel Proust-


NEW Collection

Vita hair design creation / 2021

À la recherche du temps perdu / 追憶似水年華

Vita Hair Design 團隊每年都會到英國參與 Salon International ,眼見國際沙龍都會製作自己的 Collection,從 2018 年起,我們也決定創造屬於 Vita Hair 的潮流趨勢。

2021年,以 90 年代作為主題:用搖滾、浪漫、金屬感的元素,創作了 3 個形象:Thera / Barony / Andrea,重塑屬於 Vita 團隊想像中的 90 年代。

2021 Vita hair design年度設計

Hair inspiration/ 髮型靈感


Taking the ‘90s as the creative concept, it was full of various elements in that Golden Decade. This time, we tried to combine the elements of rock, romance, and metallic to create the ‘90s that belonged to our own imagination.

2021 Vita hair design年度設計

2021 Vita hair design年度設計

2021 Vita hair design年度設計

Hair inspiration/ 髮型靈感

現今的每一天、每個角落有了太多的紛擾,許多人慌張、悲慟、無措。然而,我們在這混亂又凝重的環境下該如何自處? 此時此刻,不妨停留、歇息片刻、從過往的經驗中找尋答案。

Too much turmoil occurs every day and everywhere. Alarm, anguish, and adrift rise in the spirit amid most of the people nowadays. How do we ourselves behave in this chaotic and dignified environment? In this moment, try to stopover for few seconds, and stay here for a rest that one may search to the past for answers.

2021 Vita hair design年度設計

2021 Vita hair design年度設計

2021 Vita hair design年度設計


At the golden decade of the ’90s, the full bloom of a rich culture, we find another aspect toward her tender temperament among the debris of the fireworks. The sense of a calm atmosphere makes all senses return to the relaxation of ‘composed but introverted’ one… It is more elegant to pursue our own era of “Remembering the Past Time” whereas the information interlaces here and there in this modern age.

2021 Vita hair design年度設計


NEW Collection

Vita hair design creation / 2021

À la recherche du temps perdu / 追憶似水年華